Breastfeeding Help and Support Specialist in Memphis, TN
Looking for a Breastfeeding Help and Support Specialist in Memphis, TN. Look no further than All Better Pediatrics. Call us for more information or request an appointment online.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding or breast milk for six months. They recommend continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced for one year or longer, as mutually desired by mother and infant. Breast milk provides the perfect amount of vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and protective antibodies to help your baby grow healthy and strong. Breast milk is the best choice for you and your baby.
We are so glad you have chosen to breastfeed, and you can count on our specially trained medical staff to answer questions and meet all your needs.
Dr. Folz is a board certified pediatrician and IBCLC. Dr. Welch is a board certified pediatrician who has been trained to provide support services to our breastfeeding moms. Dr. Hoffman is a nursing mother herself and actively supports and encourages our breastfeeding moms. Linda Bowman is our staff IBCLC who has many years of experience working with families. We are excited to be able to offer breastfeeding support to our patients and the community.
We offer private, comfortable, cozy rooms where mom can nurse a hungry baby. We will continue to provide support for as long as you choose to breastfeed.
Ways we can help:
1. During our prenatal tours we generally allocate substantial time to counsel moms regarding any breastfeeding questions.
2. You can schedule a prenatal consult with one of our IBCLCs.
3. We also offer a monthly breastfeeding basics class taught by one of our IBCLCs.
4. We encourage all of our breastfeeding moms to schedule their first visit to our office 2-3 days after birth or discharge with one of our IBCLCs. We want to make sure breastfeeding gets a great start.
5. During each well visit our providers check the baby to assure that they are well and meeting milestones. For the breastfeeding patient our providers will also answer questions and provide lactation counseling as appropriate. Sometimes it is valuable for Mom to hear that everything is going perfectly. Well visits are available ONLY to All Better Pediatric patients.
6. Any mom, whether her baby is a patient of our practice or not, can schedule an appointment to meet with one of our IBCLCs. These consults are scheduled to specifically address breastfeeding questions, concerns, and/or challenges. It is an opportunity for the IBCLC to assess any nursing issues and develop an individualized plan of care to help Mom and baby achieve breastfeeding success. The consult will include:
• History on mom and baby
• Examination of baby’s mouth and suck
• Examination of mother’s breasts and nipples
• Observation of a breastfeeding session
• Demonstration of how to know baby is latched and feeding well
• Instructions to help you at home
The consults will usually take an hour and are best when baby is ready to feed. Please bring any items you are using including a pump and its parts.
Nursing mothers who are experiencing any of these issues might benefit from a consult:
• Sore nipples
• Latch-on difficulties
• Low milk supply
• Yeast infections
• Medication use in mother
• Plugged ducts and/or mastitis
• Engorgement
• Sleepy baby/fussy baby
• Slow weight gain
• Jaundice
• Breastfeeding twins or triplets
• Overactive letdown reflex/over abundant milk supply
• Returning to work
• Assistance with breastfeeding equipment
• Weaning
Is my visit covered by insurance?
Changes in healthcare require that non-grandfathered insurance plans pay for “comprehensive lactation support and counseling, by a trained provider, during pregnancy and/or in the postpartum period.” Such “non-medical” services must be paid, with no co pay or deductible, by your insurance. At All Better Pediatrics you can rest assured that you will have access to these professional breastfeeding services.
Currently, we do not accept TN care patients. Shelby County WIC Breastfeeding Clinics are located throughout the area and can be located by going to
Patients without insurance will be asked to pay for services at the time of appointment.
Want some additional information on the topic?
Would you like to schedule an appointment?
Click here to request an appointment. If you are coming in for a consult, you can save a little time by downloading our assessment form and filling it out before coming to the office.
Other Breastfeeding Resources:
Shelby County Breastfeeding Coalition
La Leche League
Stanford Medicine – Newborn Nursery
Kelly Mom
Additional Services You May Need
- Breastfeeding Support
- Pre-Birth Office Tours
- Well Visit
- Sick Visit
- Evening & Weekend Patient Communication
- In Office Care
- Immunization Consultations
- Vomiting/diarrhea
- Home Care
- Constipation
- Fever
- Cough & Nasal Congestion
- Ear Ache & Sore Throat
- Rash
- Pink Eye
- Injuries
- Before Birth
- Vaccine
- Bringing Baby Home