OTC Pediatric Medication and Dosage Chart in Memphis, TN
All Better Pediatrics provides OTC medication and dosage chart for pediatric patients in Memphis, TN. Call us for more information or request an appointment online.

Over the Counter Medicine Dosage Charts
We recommend using all over-the-counter medications according to the directions on the package only. The exception to this is the daily antihistamines, cetirizine (ZyrtecTM) and loratadine(ClaritinTM) These medications may be given once daily to infants and children 6 months and older; between 6 months and 2 years the dose is 2.5mL orally, once daily. For children 2 years and up, follow the package directions. These antihistamines may be used at the same time as a fever/pain reducer. Dosing charts for acetaminophen (TylenolTM), ibuprofen (AdvilTM or MotrinTM) and diphenhydramine (BenadrylTM) may be found at the end of this handout.
If you are a breast-feeding mom, and you have questions about the safety of taking a particular medication while breastfeeding, please refer to the following website:
There is also a free app, called LactMed that you can download to your phone.
Tylenol/Motrin Dosing Chart

Infants/Children’s Chart